Shotto mongolo, premomoyo tumi,
Thou art divine truth, goodness, and full of love
Dhrubo jyoti tumi ondhokare.
Thou art the divine inner light amidst all darkness
Tumi shoda jar hride birajo,
In the heart, where thou forever reside
Dukho jwala shei pashore.
That devotee will be oblivious to all sorrow and suffering.
Shotto mongolo, premomoyo tumi,
Thou art divine truth, goodness, and full of love
Dhrubo jyoti tumi ondhokare.
Thou art the divine inner light amidst all darkness
Tomar dhyane, tomar gyane,
In thy contemplation, in thy knowledge,
Tobo namey kiba madhuri!
I taste thy name…so sweet, sweet.
Jei bhokot shei jaane
Devotee knows how sweet you are
Tumi janao jare, shei jaane,
He knows, whom you let know
Shotto mongolo, premomoyo tumi,
Thou art divine truth, goodness, and full of love
Dhrubo jyoti tumi ondhokare.
Thou art the divine inner light amidst all darkness