Spiritual Fair 2024

Ananda Sangha Kolkata Spiritual Fair

20th July 2024 from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM
left for Ananda Sangha Kolkata Spiritual Fair! Register Now!!

11 Classes | 10 Speakers | Guided Practices | 200 Free Book Giveaways | 20 Booths | Live Kirtan

“Autobiography of a Yogi” is globally one of the most read spiritual classics, written by Paramhansa Yogananda
200 books will be freely distributed to new entries!

Looking for a little spiritual guidance? Make sure to stop by the booths at the Spiritual Fair!

Ananda Books | Ananda Meditation Tools | Yogananda Flower Essences | Crystals | Regional Languages
Astrological Bangles | “Autobiography of a Yogi” giveaway booth | Monastery

Few of the Sessions

The Art and Science of Kriya Yoga

11:00 AM – Nayaswami Devarshi

Kriya Yoga is a timeless meditation technique referenced by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras and Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. Practicing Kriya Yoga initiates an inner transformation that changes one’s perspective on life. While it starts as a meditation method, it evolves into a comprehensive lifestyle. Discover more about how it genuinely functions.

Yogic Diet: Prana and Health

12.20 AM – Nayaswami Shankara

“Once you learn to eat right foods, think right thoughts, and be filled with wisdom and joy, your body and mind
will be spiritualized and experienced as dynamos of magnetic energy. Your body and mind, purified by this
energy, will take on the beauty of the Spirit and be a spiritual magnet, charged with the life of God, blessing
all those it touches.” – Paramhansa Yogananda, How to Achieve Glowing Health and Vitality

Chakras: Doorways to higher consciousness

12: 20 PM – Amit & Anandita

Chakras are energy centers within us that hold the key to enhanced mental and emotional well-being. Mastering the energies of the chakras is one of the most valuable life skills. Your external life—who you are and what happens to you—is directly influenced by the energy patterns in your chakras. The more we attune to our chakras through meditation and daily practice, the more they support and collaborate with us. Discover how to connect with the subtle energies within you.

Attracting Abundance: Law of Magnetism

2:30 PM – Nayaswami Shankara

Everything that we are and experience: circumstances, relationships, the good and bad; are all a direct result of our Magnetism. Learn the principles that govern your magnetism, and draw to yourself the transformation you seek.


Yugas & Astrology in Connection to Yoga

2:30 PM – Nayaswami Devarshi

Keys to Understanding Our Hidden Past, Emerging Energy Age, and Enlightened Future Sri Yukteswar, guru of Paramhansa Yogananda, presented a fascinating explanation of the rising and falling eras that our planet cycles through every 24,000 years – the cycle of the yugas.

Introduction to Meditation/Path of Kriya Yoga - Bengali/Hindi

3:30 PM – Gurupriya and Alok

According to Paramhansa Yogananda in Autobiography of a Yogi ― Kriya Yoga is the most effective technique for reaching the goal of Self-Realization. Our instructors will be pleased to introduce you to meditation basics, based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda.

Karma and Reincarnation

4:30 PM – Nayaswami Shankara

Great saints have taught that karma governs everything, operating through the law of cause and effect. By understanding the principles of karma, you can take steps to alter unhelpful thought patterns or behaviors that may keep you trapped in a cycle of karma you’d like to change.

Awakening Divine Healing Power

4:30 PM – Br. Premdas

Paramhansa Yogananda taught specific techniques for awakening the divine healing energy that flows within each individual. These techniques have been found to help overcome physical, mental and spiritual diseases including serious illnesses. Join this class to learn more.

Meet the Speakers

Nayaswami Dervashi

A long-time Ananda minister and Kriyacharya (authorized Kriya Yoga teacher), Nayaswami Devarshi joined Swami Kriyananda in 1977 and has been serving Ananda Sangha full time since then. Service to his guru has taken him all over the world teaching meditation and Kriya Yoga. He currently lives in India and serves as the director of Ananda’s Global Kriya Yoga Sangha and the Ananda India Monastery.

Nayaswami Shankara

Nayaswami Shankara has been a part of Ananda India since 2003, leading the Ananda monks here in India for most of that time. He has given lectures and classes throughout India. He serves as the Director of Ananda India Kriya Home Study program, where the team works with students throughout India and abroad, assisting them to learn to meditate and prepare for receiving Kriya yoga. He is a Kriyacharya, a mentor to thousands of yoga aspirants and the founding acharya of Ananda Kolkata.

Amit and Anandita

Amit Purohit is a Kriyacharya, yoga and meditation teacher. He has been conducting courses, workshops for schools, corporates and other audience based on spiritual principles. He holds a Master’s in Computer Science degree from Stony Brook, New York. Amit has been an active member of Ananda Sangha since 2010.

Anandita came to the path in 2018. Before that she has worked mainly in start ups in marketing projects. She is a Kriyaban actively serving in Ananda Sangha Pune and Kriya Home Study.

Gurupriya and Alok

Gurupriya is part of Ananda Sangha Kolkata since 2014. Transitioning from the life of a commissioned artist, she is now the resident Acharya and the Center Leader for the work in Kolkata. She received her Acharya Blessing from Nayaswamis Jyotish ji and Devi ji, in 2022. She is currently also a meditation teacher.

Alok is an Engineer and MBA and has worked in the Corporate before giving up his job and serving full time with Ananda Sangha. In his last profile, he served as a Management Consultant. Currently he serves with the Hindi Sangha at Ananda.

Brahmachari Premdas

Brahmachari Premdas began his spiritual journey with Ananda Sangha in 2014 after reading Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda in 2012. This led him to meditation classes in Bangalore, India. In 2017, he joined the Ananda Monastery, where he has been involved in teaching, organizing retreats, and providing spiritual counseling. He is also actively contributing to the development of a new monastery near Chandigarh. Known for his calm composure and relentless energy, Premdas effectively connects with people and brings a service-oriented approach to his work.

You are a vendor/entrepreneur?

Would you like to partecipate at the spiritual fair? We have come up with the perfect solution for you. Check out our brochure for more information!

Event details

  • Day: 20th July 2024
  • Time: from 11:00 to 6:00 pm
  • Avenue: Viky Gardens, 247, Purna Das Rd, Golpark, Hindustan Park, Gariahat, Kolkata 700029, India
  • Registration is preferable

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