At discipleship initiation ceremony
New Spiritual family members
Brahmachari Jemal sharing about his trip to various Ananda communities
Purification ceremony
Satsang at devotee Sweta’s house
Jemal giving one-to-one Kriya counseling
Devotee immersed in blissful meditation
Kriya Initiation Ceremony. Celebration with new initiates.
NayaSwami Jayaji blessing a Kriyaban during the ceremony.
Free Public Lecture. NayaSwami Jayaji giving an inspiring lecture.
The hall was full of enthusiastic audience.
The audience experienced a deep meditation.
Festival of Light. Some of the Ananda Kolkata members who felt the joy of the Festival of Light.
Sanchita receiving a blessing during the Festival of Light.
Anil-ji teaching a Level 1 class
Light of God Program. Attendees of the Light of God program.
Cecilia and Vivek giving blessings.
Group photo of teachers and participants of Level 1 class
Veena-ji teaching Level 1 Class
Poonam teaching Level 1 Class
Photo of Level 2a Class
Practicing the Energization Exercises of Paramhansa Yogananda.
Veena-ji conducting Level 3b class.
Healing Session conducted at Tulsi Bose’s House.
Group photo with Hassi Ma – Tulsi Bose’s wife.
Anil-ji and Veena-ji conducting the ‘Festival of Light’ program
Devotees gathered together for ‘Festival of Light’s program
The ‘Light’ symbolised by the candle
Pilgrimage to Saint Bhaduri Mahasaya’s ashram.
Pilgrimage to the house of Yogananda’s childhood friend Tulsi Bose.
Meditation room in Tulsi Bose’s house.
Pilgrimage to Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose’s residence.
Shamini taking the workshop on ‘Chakras – the 7 Keys to Transformation.’
Participants of the ‘Chakras – the 7 Keys to Transformation’ workshop.
Attendees of the lecture & book launch program conducted at ICCR hall.
Enchanting choir by Brahmachari Jemal, Shamini, Narayani & Shurjo.
Devotional music was sung before the program started, to tune into spiritual vibrations.
Tyagi Shurjo gave a wonderful & inspiring lecture on ‘The Science of God Realization.’
Ishaan Ghosh (great grandson of Yogananda’s elder brother Ananta Ghosh) launching the book.
Narayani signing her book ‘My Heart Remembers Swami Kriyananda.’
Narayani with Ishaan Ghosh and his wife.
Participants of the Level 1 Class at the center.
Anil-ji teaching in Level 1 Class.
Poonam-ji teaching in Level 1 class.
Little girl enjoying in the program for kids at Ananda Kolkata center.
Cake celebration on wedding of Shamini & Baraquiel with fellow Ananda members and guests.
Tyagis Narayani and Shurjo taking the Discipleship/Intuition class.
The beautiful altar at the center.
- At discipleship initiation ceremony
- New Spiritual family members
- Brahmachari Jemal sharing about his trip to various Ananda communities
- Purification ceremony
- Satsang at devotee Sweta’s house
- Jemal giving one-to-one Kriya counseling
- Devotee immersed in blissful meditation
- Kriya Initiation Ceremony. Celebration with new initiates.
- NayaSwami Jayaji blessing a Kriyaban during the ceremony.
- Free Public Lecture. NayaSwami Jayaji giving an inspiring lecture.
- The hall was full of enthusiastic audience.
- The audience experienced a deep meditation.
- Festival of Light. Some of the Ananda Kolkata members who felt the joy of the Festival of Light.
- Sanchita receiving a blessing during the Festival of Light.
- Anil-ji teaching a Level 1 class
- Light of God Program. Attendees of the Light of God program.
- Cecilia and Vivek giving blessings.
- Group photo of teachers and participants of Level 1 class
- Veena-ji teaching Level 1 Class
- Poonam teaching Level 1 Class
- Photo of Level 2a Class
- Practicing the Energization Exercises of Paramhansa Yogananda.
- Veena-ji conducting Level 3b class.
- Healing Session conducted at Tulsi Bose’s House.
- Group photo with Hassi Ma – Tulsi Bose’s wife.
- Anil-ji and Veena-ji conducting the ‘Festival of Light’ program
- Devotees gathered together for ‘Festival of Light’s program
- The ‘Light’ symbolised by the candle
- Pilgrimage to Saint Bhaduri Mahasaya’s ashram.
- Pilgrimage to the house of Yogananda’s childhood friend Tulsi Bose.
- Meditation room in Tulsi Bose’s house.
- Pilgrimage to Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose’s residence.
- Shamini taking the workshop on ‘Chakras – the 7 Keys to Transformation.’
- Participants of the ‘Chakras – the 7 Keys to Transformation’ workshop.
- Attendees of the lecture & book launch program conducted at ICCR hall.
- Enchanting choir by Brahmachari Jemal, Shamini, Narayani & Shurjo.
- Devotional music was sung before the program started, to tune into spiritual vibrations.
- Tyagi Shurjo gave a wonderful & inspiring lecture on ‘The Science of God Realization.’
- Ishaan Ghosh (great grandson of Yogananda’s elder brother Ananta Ghosh) launching the book.
- Narayani signing her book ‘My Heart Remembers Swami Kriyananda.’
- Narayani with Ishaan Ghosh and his wife.
- Participants of the Level 1 Class at the center.
- Anil-ji teaching in Level 1 Class.
- Poonam-ji teaching in Level 1 class.
- Little girl enjoying in the program for kids at Ananda Kolkata center.
- Cake celebration on wedding of Shamini & Baraquiel with fellow Ananda members and guests.
- Tyagis Narayani and Shurjo taking the Discipleship/Intuition class.
- The beautiful altar at the center.