Light of Yogananda 2025
Ananda Sangha Kolkata
Light of Yogananda, Spiritual Fair
Embark on the journey of your soul
4th January 2025 from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM

left for Ananda Sangha Kolkata’s Spiritual Fair, Light of Yogananda!

First 200 visitors get a free copy of “Autobiography of a Yogi” OR
“How to Awaken Your True Potential” by Paramhansa Yogananda.
Remember to collect your ticket at the registration desk!
(First come, first serve)
Panel discussions and QnA | Book Signing | Workshops | Spiritual Guides/Speakers | Guided Practices | Free Book Giveaways | Booths | Live Music

Meet the Speakers

Nayaswami Dyana
Nayaswami Dhyana is the co-spiritual director of Ananda Sangha. She started studying Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings in 1978 and met Swami Kriyananda in 1980. She has shared the teachings of Yogananda in the US, Europe, Africa, Australia and India and helped in the founding of several Ananda communities and centers. She has been authorized by Swami Kriyananda to give initiation into the advanced meditation technique of Kriya Yoga. .

Nayaswami Dervashi
A long-time Ananda minister and Kriyacharya (authorized to give initiation into Kriya Yoga), Nayaswami Devarshi joined Swami Kriyananda in 1977 and has been serving Ananda Sangha full-time since then. Service to his guru has taken him all over the world teaching meditation and Kriya Yoga. He currently lives in India and serves as the director of Ananda’s Global Kriya Yoga Sangha and the Ananda India Monastery.

Nayaswami Aditya
Nayaswami Aditya is the Assistant Spiritual Director of Ananda India. He got trained as a Rural Surgeon but his chief interest lies in sharing the teachings and benefits of yoga as a healthy and successful way of life. Nayaswami Aditya came to Ananda Sangha in 2008 and has since then actively helped with various activities, including establishing the Pune community, conducting health workshops in colleges, companies and institutions, including many global industry leaders such as Tata Management and Training Center (TMTC), Infosys, Amdocs, Apollo Hospitals, and Metro, to name a few.

Nayaswami Shankara
Nayaswami Shankara has been a part of Ananda India since 2003 and currently heads the Ananda Monastery in Chandigarh along with Nayaswami Devarshi. He has given lectures and classes throughout India over decades now. He serves as the Director of Ananda India Kriya Home Study program, where the team works with students throughout India and abroad, assisting them to learn to meditate and prepare them for receiving initiation into Kriya Yoga. He is also a Kriyacharya, a mentor to thousands of yoga aspirants and started several Ananda Centers including Ananda Kolkata.
Immerse yourself in a day of deep inspiration, we invite your joyous presence!
Ananda Sangha Kolkata Spiritual Fair 2025 | 4th Jan | 11 AM - 6 PM
Join us on the day of the spiritual fair and explore the ancient and practical teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Our teachers will share their lifelong experiences, integrating yoga and meditation techniques into your daily life.
From past event:
Event details
- Day: 4th January 2025
- Time: from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Avenue: Haldiram Food City, 4th Floor Banquet, 24, Ashutosh Chowdary Ave, Ballygunge Park, Ballygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal 700019
- Registration is preferable
Event Venue
Next day event: Yogananda's Birthday Celebration 2025
Paramhansa Yogananda Birthday 2024: Strolling Kirtan in Kolkata
On the blessed morning of 5th January, 2024, Disciples across India and from outside India gathered in “Yogi Para” : the neighbourhood of the residence of Paramhansa Yogananda: to walk (and sing!) in the footsteps of beloved Gurudev. Yogananda is known to have led “Prabhaat Pheri” (Morning Strolling Kirtan) in this very neighbourhood, about a century back. Here we are: singing His song, sharing His light, celebrating His Love. Jai Guru!
Paramhansa Yogananda Birthday 2024: Kirtan and Purification Ceremony on the Ganges
Celebrating the birth of Gurudeva, beloved Paramhansa Yogananda.
Many devotees from all over India and around the world gather together to celebrate Master’s birthday in Kolkata, where he was born and spent his childhood. In the evening, we organize a purification ceremony on the Ganges, surrounded by the blessed energy of our Gurudev.