Welcome to Ananda Sangha Kolkata!

At Ananda Sangha Kolkata, we share the light and the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, best known for His Spiritual Classic "Autobiography of a Yogi" and the line of great Kriya Masters. Come, join us, and dive into the nectar of divine vibrations waiting to blossom from within.
Ananda is a cooperative spiritual community dedicated to the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, founded by his direct disciple, Swami Kriyananda. In joy we live!
Watch Brahmchari Jemal's latest discourse at Kolkata on the topic 'How to Love and Be Loved' and other old satsang / webinars / discourses on our YouTube Channel AnandaKolkata.
Watch other Satsang webinars conducted by Ananda India. Please visit Ananda India Online.
Listen to inspirational and uplifting music. Tune in to Radio Ananda.
Treasures Along the Path - Complimentary Talk Collection of Swami Kriyananda: Tools for World Challenges
Click Here!

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